Track. Share. Impact care.


Here you’ll learn more about our innovation and how is going to change lots of things in the healthcare industry for the better. But first, maybe you want to watch this quick introduction video we put together.

And now, read a full breakdown about Innovation at

  • Carecircle is the world’s first global social network specifically designed to improve communication flows between all aspects of the health ecosystem.
  • We are bringing to the market a number of unique features designed to disrupt the $10 trillion health market and impact the significant economic and data wastage that occurs; as well as supporting individuals on their journey to better health and wellness.
  • We are the first social network designed to protect user anonymity and privacy whilst giving each of our users the ability to own their own data and share it with others, defined groups, clinicians and the scientific and research community.
  • We’ve got world-class AI that allows information to be intelligently directed out of silos and into relevant areas to improve user experience and close the information gap at each level of health care.
  • Our partnership with Isabel Healthcare brings the eminent clinical differential diagnostic tool to the hands of the user. Accessibility and usability are enhanced with Carecircle’s natural language bolt-on, with output that integrates with the clinical setting. We support the patient’s role as their own health advocate and strive to improve the efficiency and efficacy of clinical timings.
  • We’re integrated with health monitoring wearables. And together with the collection of long-tail personal data in combination with Isabel/Carecircle Symptom Checker, we target key areas that contribute to misdiagnosis. It is estimated that in the USA misdiagnosis is responsible for 30% of cases of serious injury or death.
  • World’s first integration with research and scientific community. With all data capture and research capability required to invite and select participants, record and analyse data for quantitative and qualitative research projects.
  • Integration of crowd-funding mechanism to allow income generation for all health-related projects – from an individual’s charity drive to third sector organisational effort and/or global public health initiative.
  • Carecircle is a cloud-native platform built exclusively on Microsoft Azure offering instant scalability and guaranteed sub-second speeds at any scale. It is built to operate as a modern internet-first architecture that has a dynamic, high-quality digital experience with highly secure, and reliable services.
  • Our platform leverages a fully managed NoSQL Cosmos DB and serverless microservices offering single-digit millisecond response times and automatic instant scalability with 99.999% availability and enterprise-level security. Fast global access and instant elasticity are crucial for Carecircle to make sure our users can enjoy super-fast interaction through our web and mobile apps, regardless of where they are in the world.
  • Security is of utmost importance and that is why all personal user information enjoys enterprise-grade encryption-at-rest with self-managed keys. Personal User data is always kept securely separate from anonymous member information – there is no way to trace anonymous member data back to personal user data. Additionally, the Carecircle platform microservices and back-end is only accessible through a federated API gateway protected by Microsoft’s Active Directory B2C service.
  • The Carecircle platform leverages Azure Front Door, Microsoft’s modern cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) that provides fast, reliable, and secure access between our users and our applications’ static and dynamic web content across the globe. Our platform leverages over 118 edge locations across 100 metro cities using private enterprise-grade WAN and improves latency for our apps by up to 3 times. The Carecircle platform and app are secured with built-in layer 3-4 DDoS protection which protects it from malicious actors with Bot-managed rules based on Microsoft’s own Threat Intelligence.
  • Our development teams are scattered across several countries and employ scaled Scrum and Kanban product development techniques to allow for rapid feature development based on continuous user feedback. Our build, deployment and release pipelines are all fully automated and allow us to employ Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery mechanisms based on Microsoft’s Azure DevOps platform offering multiple daily releases with zero downtime for our end users.